We Support Local Businesses – Join up
Made in Devon is made for you!
Looking for a community that supports local businesses? Join Made in Devon to gain access to ongoing business support, exciting promotional opportunities, and one-on-one advice from a Trading Standards Officer. With their guidance, you can navigate the legislation required in your sector, ensuring that you run your business legally and with confidence, which is sure to be a huge selling point for your customers.
Enjoy the benefits of membership, including free ongoing access to invaluable support that usually costs ÂŁ90 per hour. You’ll also have the opportunity to proudly display the ‘Made in Devon’ badge and advertise that you’re Trading Standards Approved, letting customers know that you’re a trustworthy and credible local business.
Plus, you can take part in a range of exciting promotional opportunities, from paid social media campaigns to joint collaborations.
Most importantly, Made in Devon, a not-for-profit scheme run by Devon County Council, actively supports local businesses like yours. Meaning that, as a member, you will also benefit from the nationally recognised Trading Standards scheme called ‘Buy With Confidence’. This valuable joining process ensures that your business is credible and trustworthy, giving customers peace of mind. Join us today and help us showcase the very best of Devon! Read more about the benefits of Buy With Confidence scheme.
You can find list of all member businesses on https://www.madeindevon.org.uk/ and https://www.buywithconfidence.gov.uk/ (which includes a hard copy directory). They also take part in marketing campaigns, collaborations and promotional opportunities throughout the year.

Made in Devon Application and Annual Membership Fees
Anyone wishing to join Made in Devon firstly pays a one-off application fee. This includes a one-on-one session with a Trading Standards Officer and follow up advice and guidance on making sure your business is legally compliant and passes the Buy With Confidence and Made in Devon criteria.
Solicitors and others may charge hundreds of pounds for this advice but it is included as part of your Made in Devon and Buy With Confidence application and joining process. It can help you to navigate through things like – how changes in the law could affect your business, regulatory advice specific to your industry and what is expected from a consumer rights and trading perspective.
All prices +VAT at 20% and dependent on the size of business (based on the number of employees).
Number of employees *
0 – 5 employees
6 – 20 employees
21 – 49 employees
50+ employees
Existing Buy With Confidence members***
One-off application fee **
After completing the application process an annual membership fee gives members access to promotional opportunities and networking events as well as advice direct from local authority employed Trading Standards professionals which usually costs ÂŁ90 per hour.****
Number of employees
Annual Fee
0 – 5 employees
6 – 20 employees
21 – 49 employees
50+ employees
If you want people to know you are a reliable, Devon-proud business, click on Join Us and fill out our short contact form.
*Number of employees is judged on a full-time equivalent basis. E.g. Two part-time staff working 50% of full-time hours, would be classed as one employee for the purposes of judging fee levels.
**The Application fee is a one-off fee paid during the application process to help cover the costs of the Trading Standards and administration procedure. After that, only the annual fee is due. The Application Fee is normally non-refundable except under specific circumstances – more information about this is available on the Buy With Confidence Applications, Fees and Auditing page.
***Existing Buy With Confidence members can extend their membership to add Made in Devon by paying an additional ÂŁ95 fee to cover the Made in Devon joining process. The above annual fees include membership of both schemes.
****Please note there is a fair use policy for advice which can be found on the Buy With Confidence website here.

The Made in Devon application process is designed to support local businesses
The application process gives businesses an opportunity to make sure they are doing things right, which protects themselves and their customers. For example, checking that they are fully up to speed with terms and conditions and industry specific legislation. It also includes useful advice to help improve systems and customer service.
This assessment also checks that a business meets the qualifying membership criteria for Made in Devon – that they are based in Devon and use other Devon products, suppliers, characteristic materials and ingredients whenever possible.